Our Focus & Values

  • People

    We empower and respect people working with and for Asquan. We value and protect their time, privacy and environment.


    Decent work & economic growth

  • Solutions

    We continuously innovate and refine our eco-friendly packaging offering. We work with our clients to find the most ideal solution to their sustainable quest.


    Decent work & economic growth

  • Circularity

    We incorporate the circular thought process - REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE - in our efforts and design. We support the development of a regenerative society.


    Decent work & economic growth

  • Responsible Business

    We partner with suppliers whose values and commitments align with our own. We support traceability, transparency, and knowledge sharing.

    Responsible Business

    Decent work & economic growth

Our Commitment

We believe in progress through innovation and cooperation

  • Support

    Since 2021, Asquan has committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment & anti-corruption.

  • Ecovadis

    In January 2024, Asquan received the Ecovadis Bronze Medal, placing us in the top 11% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the manufacture of plastics products industry. Additionally, this places us in the top 3% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the manufacture of plastics products industry in regard to sustainable procurement.

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