Our Focus & Values
We empower and respect people working with and for Asquan. We value and protect their time, privacy and environment.
Decent work & economic growth
We continuously innovate and refine our eco-friendly packaging offering. We work with our clients to find the most ideal solution to their sustainable quest.
Decent work & economic growth
We incorporate the circular thought process - REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE - in our efforts and design. We support the development of a regenerative society.
Decent work & economic growth
Responsible Business
We partner with suppliers whose values and commitments align with our own. We support traceability, transparency, and knowledge sharing.
Decent work & economic growth
Our Commitment
We believe in progress through innovation and cooperation
Since 2021, Asquan has committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment & anti-corruption.
In January 2024, Asquan received the Ecovadis Bronze Medal, placing us in the top 11% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the manufacture of plastics products industry. Additionally, this places us in the top 3% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the manufacture of plastics products industry in regard to sustainable procurement.