Ocean Waste Collection Program

Through our Ocean Waste Collection Program (OWCP), our goal is to to reduce ocean plastic waste, whilst at the same time improving the lives of our society’s most underprivileged living in countries with poor waste management infrastructure.

Since 2020, we have contributed to the recovery of 20 tons of ocean waste plastic,  equivalent to approximately 1 million 500 ml plastic water bottles.

In 2021, Asquan is committed to continue the momentum and reach 2 million+ plastic bottles or a total 40 tons.

Link to SDGs

Asquan’s OWCP initiative is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), a global framework offering the best path forward to collaborate on solving society’s biggest problems and challenges.

SDG 14: Conserving our Oceans
○ We contribute to the clean-up of ocean-bound plastic waste.


SDGs 3, 4 & 8: Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education and Decent Work and Economic Growth
○ Our initiative improves access to employment, health and education by allowing local collectors to exchange the plastic waste for money and services.

SDG17: Partnership for Sustainable Development
○ We generate true added value and help tackle some of the world’s major issues i.e.: plastic waste and poverty, by joining forces.